2nd BIOREGIO interregional event in Spain


AC3A and its stakeholders from the Regional Council of Pays de la Loire, Community of Mauges, energy association AILE and a biogas cluster Methatlantique have travelled to Puertollano in Spain to meet all BIOREGIO partners and stakeholders for the second time. The meeting started with a policy development check-up in the six participating region.

Our hosts have presented seven good practices of their region of Castilla-La Mancha, which are as follows: Biomasa Peninsular, Universidad de Alcalá, Enemansa, Ence, Gesreman, Champinter and Clambert plant. During the event, participants had the possibility to visit the latter and two other sites of Castellano Manchegas de Limpieza in Madridejos and Ecoparque de Toledo.

BIOREGIO partners and stakeholders also paid a visit to the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development in Toledo to discover the Spanish Bioeconomy Strategy.

Read more on the event here and here.

More informations on BIOREGIO in French…in English.